Friday, August 17, 2012


It is a precious commodity and becoming even more valuable, especially in drought years. Just because most of the USA is suffering a drought does not necessary mean your lawns and gardens need to turn a beautiful burnt brown color. Not only can TIMELY watering produce the best plant and lawn growth, but you can also control the precious water supply to maximize our resources. 

Knowing WHAT to water and WHEN is the major secret. Also, applying plenty of organic materials, such as compost mulch bark and leaves or straw can help you manage the moisture for any type of garden, or produce the most lush lawn. Not only will organic materials help retain valuable moisture and provide nutrients, but it will continue to help manage moisture while you water, whether by hand, irrigation, drip system or natural rainfall.  

Early morning watering is also beneficial before direct sunlight comes into view. Know your garden varieties, know best watering times, apply mulches or compost and know how much water to use, plus utilizing decorative watering garden stakes -- and you’ll maximize your outdoor lawn and gardens, and yet save a valuable resource.  Get your decorative stakes from Glitzy and start employing better water strategies for your garden space today.

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